Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A4 Challenges Continue

Back out and working on the Atomic 4 yesterday and it was another one step forward half a step back. I was able to pull the spark plugs and a few were wet and the others were a bit dirty but still firing. Poured some Marvel Mystery Oil in the cylinders and cycled the engine for a bit to get it worked it to protect against the water and to hopefully blow the water out.

Next I checked out the oil to see what condition it was in... milky which means that water either 1: migrated to the crank case via the water pump. 2: The water that got into the cylinder via the spark plug made it's way into the crank. or 3: I have a cracked water jacket somewhere and it's leaking into the oil. Since I've replaced the impeller and tightened the spark plugs I'm fairly confident that I can pressure test the water jacket to determine if that is cracked... hopefully not.

Lastly, in working around the carburetor and exhaust lines to find my water issue I saw that the exhaust pipe is broken/never installed correctly. Looks like I'll be making a trip to the hardware store to pickup some 1-1/4" galvanized pipe. I'm thinking of a 1' section and a 6" section and connecting via a union for easy install. Hopefully my guess is right for the pipe length.

The goal here is to be sailing this weekend... we'll see. On another note all of these struggles have led me to start looking at repowering the boat. Instead of going with a new gas or diesel I'm eyeing converting her to electric... more on that later.

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