Monday, May 27, 2013

Developing a passion for sailing

For as long as I can remember my grandfather has owned a sailboat and has taken the family sailing on many occasions. Grandpa started out in sailing well before my birth with an O'day 24 which he trailered between various small lakes in Wisconsin and Lake Michigan. At some point prior to my birth he upgraded to the boat I learned to sail on; a 70's era Erickson 32 named Ode to Joy.

Growing up I have a few memories of sailing with the family, the most notable is being too small for my legs to reach across the cockpit and nearly getting thrown overboard when switching tacks one time. Another memory is sitting on the port (funny how you remember the small details) rail with my father dangling our feet in the water and enjoying the spray as we were sailing along. At some point I think I got too old and certainly too cool to go sailing with my family and I didn't step foot on the boat for probably 6 or 8 years during middle school and high school. I got reaquainted during college with sailing when I brought my then girlfriend now wife up to Wisconsin to meet my grandparents, we went sailing and had a blast.
From there we went up to Milwaukee to sail with grandpa a few times a year. My dad and I started making trips up to visit and go sailing. I think the opportunity to reunite and bond with my family was more important than learning to sail. Now and forever I'll relate sailing to bonding with family and all of the great associated feelings... I developed a passion for sailing

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