Monday, May 27, 2013

First post; let's call it a mission statement

Hello internet,

This is a great many firsts for me; first sailboat, first blog and first post. As such I'm not quite sure where to begin. I suppose that the best place to start is with a mission statement of sorts for this blog. That way I know what to focus on and you as readers know what to expect from me. Primarily I would like to use this blog to share my story as it relates to sailing; owning my first sailboat and as a tribute to what I hope will be a great relationship with a 42 year old boat named On the Brink. I want people to come to this blog eventually to learn from my own story and to share their own stories about sailboat ownership, sailing and Tartan 27's in particular.

I'll be making quite a few posts today so stay tuned for the backstory of what got me to today...

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